Show hall

dsc00431 1
  • 2I7A7558

The Show Hall is decorated in a Parisian cabaret style. Its red lights, velvet furniture and mirror ceilings are meant to set the guests in a sexy mood. Every guest can find a spot with a good view of the stage.

The best topless shows in Tallinn and amazing special effects are guaranteed to turn heads and distract the guests from their daily thoughts. The X Club is a place where guests are immersed in the world of arousal and wild fantasies. The best topless shows in Tallinn is a must-see attraction of the city!


Karaoke hall

  • xclub best strp club in estonia

We are proud to present our Karaoke Hall!
There are about 50 000 songs in more than ten different languages you can choose of. It is the perfect chance to be the star of the night – you will be supported by high-quality soundsystem, dashing visuals, cheering audience and cozy but luxurious milieu. Welcome to the stage!

You can also book the hall for your special occasions whether it would be your birthday, stag night or just a wild night out with friends.
We provide catering.

The hall is comfortable for 30 persons.
